The Wannabe Craftster

The Highs and Lows of a Fashionista and Craftster Wannabe

Inspiration After Posting

Inspiration hit after I hit the PUBLISH button. Introducing…..Peanutbutter Cheeks. To give you any sense of the bag’s size, Mr. Peanutbutter Cheeks, who is 4 and weighs over 40 pounds, offered to pose inside the bag. I did not, however, try to pick the bag up with him in it. Gave me an uneasy feeling after watching all those episodes of Gilligan’s island and the spinning hammock!

August 2, 2008 Posted by | Finished Crochet Projects | , , , , | 7 Comments

Going Green

Everybody knows my photography skills are undeveloped (ptp). Underdeveloped? Sonia, help! Couldn’t we take a little vacation together so you could show me everything I need to know about digital photography? You could do it in a weekend, right? haha

Once this bag is in use, I hope to get a shot of it full of grocery items. Then, you’ll be able to see how truly mammoth it is. Oh, and I accidentally crocheted what appears to be a budding breast close to the handle. You can’t see it, so don’t even try. I’m blaming my poor photography skills. Or, maybe I’m trying to salvage some pride. Who knows?

Anyway, feast your eyes.

August 2, 2008 Posted by | Finished Crochet Projects | , , | 6 Comments