The Wannabe Craftster

The Highs and Lows of a Fashionista and Craftster Wannabe

Nothing Gets Between Me and My Calvins

….except perhaps these 65 extra pounds I’m carrying around. Thanks, Baby #2. Can I still say that even though he’s now 4 years old? Ha!

When I was in 8th grade, I dreamed day and night about owning a pair of Calvin Klein jeans. Two girls in my class actually had some, and I stared unabashedly at their rear ends every time they passed by. There was something about that label that set my heart racing. The $40 price tag made my mother scowl, of course. She would never consider even letting me try them on but would pay up to $33 for Lee jeans. I’ve often thought a mere 7 dollars would have bought so much satisfaction. I do think Calvins were not generous in the derriere, though, which I definitely would have needed. Then AND now!

I did not have a designer clothes allowance. What I DID have was a smart mom. One our way home from school one day she obeyed an instinct and stopped at a neighbor’s house and simply asked her if she sewed and if she would sew for pay. Mom had noticed how well-dressed this lady’s children were. We always saw them morning and afternoon stepping onto the schoolbus. This angel of mercy was named Miss Frances (yes, she was married but we kids always called everyone “Miss”, because Mississippi kids are not to be bothered with the extra syllable in “Mrs.”) and she did, indeed, make her kids’ clothes and sewed for others as well.

Thus began a friendship that literally changed my life. Miss Frances was, and is, a genius who could make men’s suits, line lady’s suits perfectly, could turn out those crazy 80s designer jackets and all their complicated construction with the skill of a couturier.

And, oh baby, she made jeans.


Little Meg could have a pair of Calvins that fit her derriere. Yes, Vogue made a Calvins jeans pattern, and yes, we bought it!

I still think of those jeans (and the body that fit into them) lovingly. I do not know what happened to them. We chose a dark gold thread to contrast with the dark blue denim, which made the design on my buttocks just SCREAM style and happiness with each step I took. A darling twinset Miss Fran made for me + those jeans made my favorite Calvin combo.


I lost contact with Miss Frances years ago. She moved away, and I grew up and got married and had babies of my own and just, well, got involved in all those things you get involved with when you complicate your life with adulthood.

This past Christmas, I followed an instinct, myself, and thought of everyone I’d lost contact with and did my best to find their addresses. Christmas cards went out with catch-up notes. And guess who I got a phone call from during Christmas? Yes, the most talented and brilliant Miss Frances. What a wonderful Christmas present! She’s since written me and I intend to visit her and take pictures when I go back to Mississippi. I don’t know that she ever realized what an important part of my life she was. I’ve told so many people about her and her beautiful work and what it meant to me.

Today marks the first day of my final diet. I’m taking measurements, weighing, making menus, exercise plans and waving Good-Bye to 65 pounds.

Once this diet train reaches the station, how do you think I’ll celebrate?


March 31, 2008 Posted by | Calvin Klein jeans, Designer clothes, designer jeans, sew | , , , , , | Leave a comment