The Wannabe Craftster

The Highs and Lows of a Fashionista and Craftster Wannabe


There are water marks all through my $1 a yard Walmart fabric.  Sigh.  (Swear)  Since you can only see them if you hold them up to the light, I’m forging ahead.  Hey, I just need the practice, people.

Step 1:  DARTS!!  I’m off to grab a little coffee and some studyin’ materials.  I decided to watch THIS a few hundred times, first.

(Off subject, it appears this lady has the Pfaff machine I was shown with the built-in walking foot.  It seems to move along smooth as buttah.)

Can’t wait for Project Runway tonight!  Go, Kenley!  Go Korto!  Go Jerrel!

September 17, 2008 Posted by | sew | , , , | 2 Comments